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Diploma Program | Building an Isnād of Revival

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Welcome to Ummatica, a holistic Islamic diploma programme that follows from The Quran Institute’s unique grassroots-based Family Programme. Our aim is to develop and nurture both the intellectual and spiritual sides of an individual, cultivating intelligent and critical yet cognisant and compassionate thinkers and leaders for the community.

Our 18 month programme will include up to ten modules spanning the sacred sciences to develop practical skills in development, advocacy and community-craft through a paradigm of Islamic revival. Our curriculum leads are Dr Shaykh Safaruk & Mufti Moinul Abu Hamza.

A full list of instructors from a range of experienced scholars, academics and apologists will will be provided in our upcoming update. 

Our first module on The Sixty of Sultaniyyah will launch near January 2024

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Ummatica Course Programme


Welcome to Ummatica, a holistic Islamic diploma course programme that follows from The Quran Institute’s unique Family Programme. Our aim is to develop and nurture both the intellectual and spiritual sides of an individual, cultivating intelligent and critical yet cognisant and compassionate thinkers and leaders for the community. The Ummatica programme has two core components: 

i- Intellectual Development
ii- Spiritual Development

Each component will be delivered via a set of courses that contain not only classical Islamic foundational and well-known texts but relate them in a way that is insightful, constructive and relevant. By the end of the programme, students would have:

i- Gained knowledge of the foundational disciplines of the Islamic tradition.
ii- Gained critical thinking and analysis tools.

Intellectual Development

Our intellectual development curriculum combines a selection of courses that build a foundation in essential Islamic knowledge as well as tools of critical analysis and understanding. The aim behind these courses is to provide a stock of concepts and ideas that form a comprehensive cognitive framework by which a learner is able to understand and evaluate the world around them and to construct real solutions for it. Courses include:

i- Logic (mantiq)

This course offers students an exploration into the principles of sound reasoning and critical thinking. The aim is to equip students with the ability to think logically, a tool essential for discerning truth from fallacy in all areas of life.

ii- Argumentation Theory (adab al-bahth wa-l-munazara)

Students delve into the process and practice of formulating sound arguments and proper dialectical engagement. The course seeks to develop skills in persuasive communication and logical analysis, necessary tools for effective leadership and discourse in the da’wa.

iii- Religious Epistemology
An exploration into the nature and scope of religious knowledge, focusing on how beliefs are justified and authenticated within Islamic thought. This is essential for understanding the intellectual basis of the Islamic faith (‘aqida) and what are considered valid knowledge claims.

iv- Systematic Theology
This course allows students to systematically study the principles and doctrines of Islam. The goal is to ensure an in-depth understanding of Islamic beliefs, stimulating a deeper appreciation of and providing a well-grounded faith.

v- Islamic Legal Theory (usul al-fiqh)

This course will explore the origins and major principles of Islamic legal theory or jurisprudence. It aims to equip students with the ability to identify the sources from where Islamic laws are derived, interpreted and cases of their application in a contemporary context.

vi- Hadith Hermeneutics (usul al-hadith)

In this course, students study the principles of Hadith origins, their authenticity, various interpretations and application. The aim is to provide a deep understanding of the words and actions of the best of creation, the Messenger of Allah Muhammad (SAW).

vii- Qur’anic Hermeneutics (usul al-tafsir)
In this course, students will study the core principles and types of Qur’anic interpretation with clear and relevant examples. Through this course, the students will be familiar with the broad criterion of what makes valid and acceptable readings and commentary.

viii- Islamic Political Theory/Governance
This course examines Islamic perspectives on political systems and governance and the relations between the ruler and the ruled. It aims to present an understanding of Islamic political theory and its application in contemporary society highlighting the civic duties enjoined by Islam on all Muslims.

Spiritual Development
Alongside intellectual growth, our programme emphasises the spiritual nourishment of the individual. Muslims are required to cultivate and exemplify the best moral conduct in emulation of the Messenger of Allah and create an intimate relation with Allah as shown by him. This is why the Ummatica contains courses on the following:

i- Ethics and Conduct in Islam
Through this course, students explore the ethical teachings of Islam and their applications in daily life. The goal is to foster moral and ethical behaviour in accordance with Islamic principles.

ii- Spiritual Engagement with God
This course nurtures the spiritual heart, promoting deep, personal engagement with Allah. It aims to develop spiritual resilience, mindfulness, and a profound sense of purpose.

The Ummatica programme is thus designed to produce a rounded and holistic person, nurturing both their intellect and spirit. Our graduates will not only be well-versed in Islamic thought and practices but will also embody the compassion, moral integrity, and deep spiritual understanding that are the cornerstones of a balanced Muslim individual who can help transform society for the good and reshape it with the vision of excellence (ihsan) and God-consciousness (taqwa). Welcome to a transformative journey of Islamic learning and growth!